Tue. March 28, 2017
By Jerry Nunn
Fan Fest flew into Rosemont at the Donald E Stephenson Convention Center on March 25 and 26. Combining the previous Walker Stalker event with a new hero aspect allowed a variety of celebrities to be celebrated.
Television shows like Arrow, Gotham, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D were all on hand over the weekend to sign autographs and take photos with fans.
Instead of traditional comic conventions this one made an original mark with only occasional attendees dressing the part. There were many people holding Negan bats at the festival so Lucille was well represented in the house!
The focus was on meeting the stars. Some chose a number system to keep the lines from being overwhelming, so autograph hounds get a pass beforehand. There were also some nice VIP packages to beat the lines, but they had a hefty price to pay and were limited in the amount sold.
Memorabilia included tons of t-shirts, action figures, and artwork. There were vendor booths with photo ops for guests to pay for. There were a few that were free such as a zombie attack that was hilarious and the team was excellent in their portrayals of the characters.
Food and beverages were also offered, some with long lines. The line for the ATM was longer than to meet some of the celebs. Next time people should bring cash ahead of time as many of the vendors were cash only.
I did some radio spots talking about the fest linked here:
Interviewed Scott Wilson who played Hershel Green from The Walking Dead here:
Look for my interview with Ann Mahoney who played Olivia on The Walking Dead in Windy City Times.
For future Fan Fests visit heroesfanfest.com
For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links),
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