Thu. April 28, 2016
By Sukie de la Croix
Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...
In the bars and clubs, Rob Dorn, Hearsay, Beckie Menzie, Morrison & Muzillo, Ginger Tam, and Debbie Matt are NOT APRIL FOOLIN' at Gentry of Chicago, 712 N. Rush St.; Climax @ Picasso dance club, 3938 N. Lincoln Ave., hosted by Orlando, with music by Freddie Bain and Oscar McMillian; North End, 3733 N. Halsted, is offering Tangueray Sterling Drink Specials to benefit Open Hand/Chicago; David Hamilton performs at Bugle Boy, 3320 N. Halsted; Private "Party Party" three day weekend at the Lucky Horseshoe Lounge, 3169 N. Halsted; the Fiesta of Cinco de Mayo at Charlie's, 405 W. Ontario; and the Suitcase Party! is at Roscoe's, 3354-56 N. Halsted.
IMAGE: Redoubt – Gay Life April 15, 1977
Article in Gay Chicago begins:
"Vernita M. Gray, a 20-year activist and a member of the Chicago Lesbian and Gay Hall of Fame, has been named the new lesbian and gay victim-witness coordinator, State's Attorney Jack O'Malley announced."
An ad in Gay Chicago lists the Bailiwick Repertory's "Pride Performance Series 93." The series runs from May 24-August 22 and includes musicals, comedies, late night sexcapades like "Son of Fire," "Oh, Holy Allen Ginsberg," "Small Domestic Acts," "The Expense of Spirit," "The Harvey Milk Show," "Jorjet Harper's "Lesbomania," and Ted Bales' "Beyond Surrender."
Simon LeVay, author of "The Sexual Brain" discusses his groundbreaking book at People Like us Bookstore, 3321 N. Clark St.
An article in Gay Chicago begins:
"The Berwyn United Neighborhood Gay and lesbian Organization (BUNGALO) has filed a request with the U.S. Attorney's office asking for an investigation into an anti-gay smear letter that was sent out a week before the March 21, 2000 primary.
"The letter was mailed out bulk mail under the name of an organization that called itself 'Citizens for Family Values.' There was no return address on the envelope, and 'Citizens for Family Values' is not registered with the State of Illinois. A Freedom of Information Act filed by the Independent Voters of Berwyn revealed that the letter was sent out by the Berwyn Regular Democratic Organization using the bulk mail services of Diamond Graphics of Berwyn.
"On April 4, Ted Korbos, co-chair of BUNGALO, filed a request with the U.S. Attorney's Office requesting that the Berwyn Democrats and Diamond Graphics be investigated for possible mail fraud and possible violation of federal election law regarding sending political material through the U.S. mail.
"BUNGALO also plans on filing complaints against the Berwyn Democrats and the federal, state and county election boards."
IMAGE: Cheeks – Gay Chicago October 26, 1989
Article in Gay Chicago reads:
"On Wednesday, May 16 at 7 p.m., founder of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt Cleve Jones will be at Borders Bookstore on Clark and Diversey for the promotion of his newly released book, 'Stitching a Revolution: the Making of an Activist.' NAMES Project Chicago will host a wine and cheese reception on May 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the NAMES Project Visitor's Center, 3722 N. Broadway. Here you will have the opportunity to hear from Cleve and purchase his book. Proceeds from the books sold at the center will benefit the Chicago Chapter's community outreach program."
Gerber/Hart Library celebrates the Lammy Nominees at 1127 W. Granville. Features Lammy-nominated authors Ellen Hart and Mark Zubro with a special performance by Chicago's very own C.C. Carter.
Events in the calendar of Windy City Times include:
"'The Encyclopedia Show—Series 4, Volume 10: Alan Turing!' will run Wed., May 2, at Vittum Theater, 1012 N. Noble St., at 7:30 p.m. There will be live music, comedy, monologues, spoken word and experts in what is being promoted as 'a show about the invention of computing, Nazi code-breaking, artificial intelligence, love, the criminalization of sexual preference and suicide by cyanide-poisoned apples.'"
IMAGE: Fusion – Nightlines October 23, 1996
"Chicago Dragons bachelor auction, silent and live auction for scrummy rugby bachelors. $20 entry includes two drink tickets and goes to benefit Chicago Dragons goal to attend the 6th Bingham Cup in Manchester, England. 5pm-8pm, Sidetrack, 3349 N Halsted St.
"Windy City Gay idol continues the search for the best amateur LGBT singers in the Chicago area. 5pm singer sign up. 6pm, T's Restaurant and Bar, 5025 N Clark St.
IMAGE: North End – Hotspots December 4, 2000
Article by Kate Sosin in Windy City Times reads:
"Funeral arrangements for Paige Clay, a trans-gender woman who was apparently murdered in Chicago's West Side last week, have been announced.
"Services will be held Friday, May 4, at Acklin Funeral Home, 1325 W. 87th St. A wake will be held 3-4 p.m. that day, and a funeral will follow at 4-5 p.m. In addition, community members held a rally in Clay's honor at Task Force Prevention Services, 9 N. Cicero Ave., on May 1."
Are the Chicago Dragons gay rugby team still around?
Is BUNGALO still around?
Is David Hamilton still performing?
Gay Chicago Photo Rewind
Bob Bearden and Tracy Baim photograph at Augie and CK's for Gay Life May 16, 1985
Sukie de la Croix photograph's Kathy Bergquist's going-away-to-Paris party at Big Chicks for Nightlines April 26, 2000
Sukie de la Croix photographs Karaoke at Jackhammer for Nightlines September 26, 2001
Mel and Res-5 photographs at Circuit and Hydrate for Nightspots April 16, 2008
Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.
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