February 18-February 24, 2016

Thu. February 18, 2016

By Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in...


         Article in Gay Chicago reads:

         "While the spirit of sisterhood remains strong as ever, the economy is forcing the Lesbian Community Center of Chicago to discontinue its services effective March 1.

         "A farewell party and spaghetti dinner for LCC will be held February 19 from 6 p.m. until midnight. Donation is $3, party only; $5 for both party and dinner."


IMAGE: Spin – Nightspots  December 25, 2002

         Larry Brewer's Top 10 Dance Tunes in Gay Chicago: 1) "All I Need (All Cuts)" ­– Sylvester; 2) "Billy Jean" – Michael Jackson; 3) "Keep the Fire Burning" – Gwen McCrae; 4) "I'm Gonna Get Your Love" – Jade; 5) "Baby Gets High" – Peter Brown; 6) "Back in My Arms Again" – Cynthia Manley; 7) "Man Parrish (All Cuts)" – Man Parrish; 8) "Don't Stop" – Motion; 9) "Last Night a DJ" – In Deep; and 10) "Face to Face" – The Twins.


         In the bars and clubs, take 2-Steppin' Lessons at Berlin, 954 W. Belmont; Full Moon Party at AA Meat Market, 2933 N. Lincoln, with a $100 cash prize for the hottest speedo/jockstrap; it's the Opening Night of Quench at Shelter, 564 W. Fulton, with NYC special guest DJ Larry Tee; a Full Moon Leather and Levis Party at Deeks, 3401 N. Sheffield; the Gay Heavy Metal Party is at L.A. Connection, 3700 N. Halsted; Christopher's Tracy's male dance revue makes its first appearance at North End, 3733 N. Halsted St.; Judy Gold – "She's not a drag queen. This 6ft Amazon from hell comes to us directly from Showtime" – is at Vortex, 3631 N. Halsted.


IMAGE: Club Chicago Bathhouse – Gay Life January 13, 1983

         Article in this week's Gay Chicago begins:

         "The Keith Haring Foundation has generously donated a set of five embossed screenprints entitled 'Icons' (consisting of Haring's most identifiable symbols) valued at $20,000 to the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC).

         "AFC will hold a benefit raffle of this important work during the month of February, culminating in a drawing to be held on March 6th at 'Not Just Song and Dance,' AFC's benefit gala starring Harry Hamlin, Nicolette Sheridan, Kenny G., and more. The winner need not be present to win. The five prints, 'Icons,' can be viewed at the Hokin Kaufman Gallery, lower level exhibition space, 210 W. Superior, Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m."


         Article in Gay Chicago begins:

         "Recipient of a grant from the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, the Reimer Foundation will give away 70,000 condoms to qualified community-based organizations in the city of Chicago over the course of 1992. These are latex condoms, pre-lubricated with the spermicide nonoxyl-9, which has been shown to also kill HIV in laboratory tests."


IMAGE: Cover – Windy City Times August 6, 2008

          WJMK's (104.3 FM) "Sounds of Chicago" airs a one-hour special entitled "AIDS: When It's No Longer a Secret." Hosted by Steve Ruxton, the special includes interviews with three leading HIV specialists on issues regarding the legal, medical, and social implications of disclosing one's HIV positive/AIDS status."


         Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network executive director Kevin Jennings presents a book signing/reading of his new book "Telling Tales Out of School: Gays, Lesbians & Bisexuals Revisit Their School Days" at Women and Children First, 5233 N. Clark St.


         The Music Box, 3733 N. Southport, screens Paul Oremland's gay London culture flick, "Like It Is," starring Roger Daltrey, Ian Rose and Steve Bell.


IMAGE: 21 Club – Gay Chicago December 26, 1985

         The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, and Howard Brown Health Center, co-host the first ever Women's Journalism Happy Hour at Cocktail, 3359 N. Halsted.


         The Stars Our Destination Bookstore and the U. of C. & Guild Complex host a book release party for gay sci-fi author Samuel R. Delaney, at 1021 W. Belmont.


         "Tom of Finland-5 decades of Work from the Tom of Finland Archive," an exhibition of the artist's work, opens at TBA Exhibition Space, 230 W. Huron.


         In Outlines, a P.J. Engelbrecht article begins:

         "State Rep. Larry McKeon, D-34, introduced a new lesbigay rights measure in the State House last week. House Bill 37 would amend the State Universities Civil Service Act to create a uniform non-discrimination policy for employment, admissions and services which includes sexual orientation.

         "'It is unacceptable that Illinois institutions of higher education do not have a uniform policy of non-discrimination,' said McKeon, 'It is time for our public [colleges and universities] to demonstrate their commitment and leadership to insure equal access and opportunity for all.'"


         In Quotelines in Outlines:

         "Until recently, Tinky Winky–one of the stars of the wildly popular Teletubbies kids' TV show–symbolized nothing more than the triumph of silliness. Now, the amorphous purple space-mucnhkin has come to signify something, trying times for the Religious Right. Christian conservatives suffered a shattering defeat in the impeachment trial of President Clinton. The mercurial Rev. Pat Robertson has been forced to reclaim the presidency of the Christian Coalition after a lengthy hiatus. And Rev. Jerry Falwell's decision to attack Tinky as a sexually ambiguous advocate of the gay lifestyle drew coast-to-coast snickers" – Business Week.


Whatever happened to P. J. Engelbrecht?

Is the Gay Heavy Metal Society still around?

Who remembers Deeks?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Jim Flint, Chuck Renslow and Leonard Matlovich in the Chicago Gay Crusader in 1975

The new Dignity board of directors in Gay Chicago July 12, 1990

Joan Jett Blakk Licks Bush in 1992 in Nightspots February 16, 1994

Jane Lowers photographs the TPAN execs for Nightlines February 16, 1994

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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