Queerest of the Queer

Sun. October 18, 2015

By Jerry Nunn

Garbage celebrated a 20th anniversary of the Garbage record with a tour that packed in the fans. The people against the barricade of the venue had waited since 3:30 p.m. to get a front row space.

Hidden behind a curtain for the first song "Subhuman" built excitement for their arrival. Instead of playing the album front to back like many bands, they chose instead to cover a variety of the hits. The Riviera Theatre unfortunately doesn't allow a lot of places to see acts when the balcony is completely full. It's impossible to see bands from the back of the room the way things are set up so when a show is sold out get there early like the front row fans.

Punky Peaches played at Metro the same night on October 17. A creative crowd filled this venue for the sold out show. This concert was able to be seen from all angles. Armed with only a sound system and two dancers Peaches displayed a power and control that has to be experienced live. Adults only please as penises, vaginas, and partying were all on display that night. The audience sang along to the words while Peaches chanted. 

Afterwards she met with some fans at the merch table showing that she knows how to promote a record. Follow this tour whereever Peaches leads.

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