Mon. October 24, 2005

By Jason Paul

Who doesn’t want to see tweaked out circuit queens get their heads chopped off? So when $3 BILL singer and guitarist CHRIS PISS POWERS invited the velvet rope rider to the Chicago premiere of HELLBENT, released via Here Films last month, of course I accepted. A lot of press has been surrounding this film, donning it the "first gay horror flick." So I was intrigued, if only to hear the queer punk pop of Chicago’s own $3 Bill in the film’s soundtrack. And horror indeed; the villain’s painted on abdominal muscles scarred the crap out of me. But first? Come on! We know better than that.

Attend $3 Bill’s CD release party at The Subterranean, 2011 W North Avenue; Thursday, November 3rd. (

Photos: Three Dollar Bill at the Double Door

DeCoteau’s latest is titled “Beastly Boyz.” I wonder what that’s about? Check it out at

For information on Third Eye’s upcoming distribution, contact Aaron at

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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