July 2-July 8, 2015

Thu. July 2, 2015

By Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in... 


         Occhipinti Productions presents William Finn's "March of the Falsettos" at the Theatre Building, 1225 W. Belmont with John Herrera, Beverley Hainault, Richard Reardon, Dan Lemonnier and Larry Schwartz.


IMAGE: Chicago Gay Men's Chorus – Gay Life April 7, 1983

         William Higgins' film "The Little Whorehouse in L.A." has its Midwest premiere at the Bijou, 1349 N. Wells St.


         Top 15 Dance Tunes courtesy of DJ Mark Vallese of Broadway Limited: 1) "So Many Men, So Little Time," – Miquel Brown; 2) "Searchin'" – Hazel Dean; 3) "Memory" – Menage/Diva; 4) "Let No Man Put Asunder" – First Choice; 5) "She Works Hard for the Money" – Donna Summer; 6) "Sweet Dreams" – Eurythmics; 7) "To Hell With Him" – Taka Boom; 8) "Flashdance" – Irene Cara; 9) "Stay With Me" – India; 10) "You Brought the Sunshine" – Clark Sisters; 11) "Addicted to the Night" – Lipps Inc. 12) "Walkin' the Line" – Brass Construction; 13) "I Don't Want to Talk About It" – Pamela Stanley; 14) "Baby, Won't You Dance With Me." – Vera; 15) "Build Me Up Buttercup" – Torch.


IMAGE: Radical Nipple Contest at Manhole – Gay Chicago June 27, 1991

         Editorial in Gay Life begins:

         "This week marks the 10th anniversary of Chicago's first gay rights bill.

         "When he introduced it in the City Council on July 6, 1973, at gay activists' request, Ald. Clifford P. Kelley (20th) was joined by other supportive Council members from both Regular Democrat and Independent ranks. From the start, a disproportionate number of legislative gay rights sponsors have been black like Kelley, who consistently describes the issue as one of civil rights.

         "Seemingly, Kelley had little to gain by carrying the gay rights banner. He has no concentration of gay residents in his ward, and as a bachelor he could expect some eyebrows to be raised.

         "Yet he has always been a politician interested in principle. He was a delegate to the 1970 state Constitutional Convention, served as an Illinois Young Democrats president, and takes part in international legislative programs. It was as a Democratic Party platform committee member that he was first sensitized to gay concerns after hearing activist's testimony."


         In the bars and clubs, there's a 4th of July BBQ with all the trimmings at Touche, 2825 N. Lincoln; it's Sloppy Joe's Birthday Party at Bulldog Road, 2914 N. Broadway; Pamela Stanley performs at Carol's Speakeasy, 1355 N. Wells St.; Denise Tomasello celebrates the 4th July party at Gentry, 712 N. Rush St.; Thursdays are Uniform Night at the Granville Anvil, 1137 W. Granville; well drinks are $1 at the July 4th BBQ benefit for Direct Aid at Bucks, 3939 N. Halsted St.; the Female Imposters Show is at Bistro Too, 5015 N. Clark St.; and the Lebeznik Sisters perform at Stars, 3209 N. Halsted.


IMAGE: Hell Night at the Hev'in Lounge – Gay Chicago May 11, 1989

         An article by Gabor/Painter begins:

         "Upon visiting a North Halsted Street pub recently, I heard Donna Summer's current release playing. Although I could not escape its impact–it is, frankly, a very good piece of music, and a fine video–there is more at play, unfortunately, more than the music and imagery.

         "Summer's career was built at the height of the disco era, primarily through gay and lesbian enthusiasm for her sounds as they were engineered by Giorgio Moroder (whom you may know is the creator and producer of the Village People). But currently on a national tour, Summer plays to houses that are nearly empty. Cause and effect–her 'born again' status and her subsequent inflammatory remarks regarding gays and lesbians may have something to do with it. And her subsequent, business-wise-only apology was not enough recompense.

         "Querying the young bartender on this point, he seemed naïve. When explaining, he remarked (or defended) by stating, 'I wasn't around then.'"


         Burroughs-Wellcome, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures zivovudine (AZT), presents the Chicago-based AIDS Medical Resource Center (AMRC) with a $10,000 contribution for AMRC's Project Lifeline.


         Summer Soulstice featuring Jellyeye Drum Theatre & the Robert Cornelius Seven, with members of Poi Dog Pondering and Milly of "Milly's Orchid Show," is at Park West, 332 W. Armitage. All proceeds benefit the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.


IMAGE: Wild Women's Dance Party – Nightspots April 30, 2003

         Article in Gay Chicago reads:

"Terry Gaskins Photography has moved to 642 ½ W. Addison. The studio will be an open gallery when not used as a studio. Hours will be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday thru' Friday, and 1 to 5 p.m.Saturday and Sunday, or by appointment. Books, cards and fine art photography will be available for purchase as well. The studio will be available as a gallery to exhibit other artists in the community in the future."


         Fitness guru Jorge del Busto provides a physical fitness health maintenance program for people with HIV/AIDS. Classes begin on Thursday, July 2 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Call for details.


         Northalsted Area Merchants Association arranges for a free trolley to run up and down North Halsted for the rest of the summer. Trolley service runs from Belmont Avenue to Grace Street. Hours of operation are scheduled for Fridays from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., Saturdays from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. and Sundays from 5 p.m. to midnight.


         An Article in Windy City Times begins:

         "The Illinois Republican Party has slated Vincent Lengerich, a resident of the city's 47th Ward, to run against openly gay State Rep. Larry McKeon (D-Chicago) in the 1998 November general election.

         "'Any opponent should be taken seriously," said McKeon. 'But I am confident that my community will support my legislative record.'

         "McKeon bested his 1996 Republican opponent with an overwhelming 82 percent of the vote."


What happened to Milly's Orchid Show?

Does anyone know who the Lebeznik were/are?

What happened to Ald. Clifford P. Kelley?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind


Is that David Boyer copping a feel in Gay Chicago April 30 1981?

Erin Cross photographs the gang from the Bush's for Gay Chicago April 30 1981 

Spike King and Su Gregg photographs the guys and dolls at Temptations for Gay Chicago May 21 1992

The Wizard of AIDS in Windy City Times June 15 1989

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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