May 8 – May 14, 2014

Thu. May 8, 2014

By Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...


         Adolescent sexuality is the topic of Chicago Filmmakers, 6 W. Hubbard. The program is called "Rites of Passage" and featured will be "Fragment of Seeking," "Flesh of Morning," "Filmpiece for Sunshine," and "Chinese Firedrill."


IMAGE: The Abbott – Chicago Gay News April 15, 1977

         The Chicago Gay and Lesbian History Project is sponsoring an oral history workshop on Saturday, May 9, at Gay Horizons, 3225 N. Sheffield Ave. The free workshop introduces participants to basic concepts and techniques of oral history as it applies to gay and lesbian history. A brief slide lecture on the history of lesbians and gay men in the Chicago area will begin the program. The slide lecture is followed by samples of oral histories already collected by the History Project.


         Women and Children First presents The Rhode Island Feminist Theater in "Paper Weight' at CrossCurrents, 3206 N. Wilton.


         Gary Herb and Johnny Potato, as Herb and Potato (formerly Gotham) are performing for four nights at Man's Country bathhouse.


IMAGE: Hearts Party Weekend –­ Gay Chicago January 27, 1994

         Article in this week's Gay Life begins:

         "Despite obstacles erected by Chicago's top Roman Catholic and Episcopal prelates, organizers announced that a Catholic workshop on homosexuality and family ministry will still take place June 9 in Chicago.

         "The workshop, to be conducted by staff members of New Ways Ministry, a Catholic group in Mount Rainier (MD) that supports justice for gay people, will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. 26th St., after being canceled earlier at two Catholic and Episcopal churches."


         Article in this week's Gay Life begins:

          "In a dramatic public statement May 1, Billie Jean King, a top-ranked woman tennis player for much of the late-1960s and early 1970s, confirmed allegations of a lesbian affair with Marilyn Barnett, 33."


         The 1981 International Mr. Leather Contest takes place at Park West, 322 W. Armitage.


IMAGE: Dance Into the Sunrise – Gay Chicago January 7, 1999

         In the bars and clubs, it's Disco Bingo every Monday with Daisy Mae at Spin, Halsted & Belmont; Sally Richards is the cabaret act at Legacy 21, 3042 W. Irving Park Road; it's the "Silly Sports Olympics" – 2 person teams to participate in 3 rounds of hilarity, featuring Vince and his squeezebox, at North End, 3733 N. Halsted; the Nutbush, 7201 Franklin, Forest Park, presents "Absolute Diva" with Simone Ce'Zanne, Darla Dae, Naomi Du'Prey, Kaetlin O'Shay, Miss Peaches, and special guest the Fabulous Shana Roberts; the Place to Be Each Tuesday Night for the Best in Male Dance Revue, Teasers, is at Temptations, 10235 W. Grand Avenue, Franklin Park; the Chicago Eagle, 5015 N. Clark St., celebrates its 3rdanniversary with free t-shirts; it's Electricity Fetish Night at Cell Block, 3202 N. Halsted; Evelyn F's Birthday Bash and Salsa Bash is at Icon, 710 N. Clark St; Miss Tri-State Continental is at the Baton Show Lounge, 436 N. Clark St. Featured performers include Leslie Rejeanne, Sasha Valentino, Lady Catira, Obsession, and giving up her crown is Flame Monroe; and there a Mai Tai Party at Roscoe's, 3354-6 N. Halsted.


         Quotelines in Outlines:

         "I think the best way to be an activist is to live your life well and be honest. It means being out. If you are not comfortable marching you can make a big difference just by working side by side with someone who actually knows that you're gay and a fine human being." ­– Melissa Etheridge.


         Openly gay, HIV-positive actor/writer Michael Kearns makes a personal appearance at Pride Agenda Books, 1109 Westgate, Oak Park.


         The cast of "Rent" sign CDs and books at Borders, 150 N. State St.


         The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educator's Network meets to discuss "Finding Common Ground: Growing Understanding Between Homosexuality and Spirituality," with a panel of faith educators. Takes place at Sulzer Library, 4455 N. Lincoln Ave.


IMAGE: Bitch Teri Yaki – Gay Chicago March 27, 2003

         The Chicago Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce present an information session about Alive With Pride, at Circuit, 3641 N. Halsted.


         Hispanocore: "Life is What You Make It," a free one day medical conference on the impact of HIV/AIDS in Chicago's Latino community. Presentations are in English and Spanish by regional doctors and researchers. Takes place at the Como Inn Restaurant, 546 N. Milwaukee.


         Ladyfest Midwest Chicago Film/Video Screening and Dance Party, featuring the work of local women, to raise funds for Ladyfest, a festival of women coming to Chicago August 16-19, at the Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia. 


         Archdiocesan Gay & Lesbian Outreach (AGLO), in conjunction with seven Catholic churches, sponsors a listening session to gather ideas for creating a ministry to gays and lesbians in the western suburbs. Takes place at Lewis Hall, Dominican University, 7900 W. Division, River Forest.


         "Pink Champagne," poetry done Queerly, hosted by Thunder Ed features Sukie de la Croix, Yvonne Zipter, Kate Sloan Fiffer, and Jason Schupp, at the High Risk Gallery, 1115 W. Belmont.


         Openly gay singer/songwriter/dreamboat, Rufus Wainwright performs with Tegan & Sarah at Martyrs 3855 N. Lincoln.


What happened to Herb and Potato?

Is Flame Monroe still around?

Didn't the Nutbush close?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Terry Gaskins photographs the opening of the Panic Bar at Spin and Boy George at Park West for Gay Chicago December 7, 1995

Mookie photographs the women of Scot's bar for Nightlines April 23, 1997

Alysha Stone photographed by Sukie for Nightspots February 5, 2003

AIDSCare "Nocturne Ball" photographed by Mookie for Windy City Times, February 25, 2009

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life,Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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