April 10 – April 16, 2014

Thu. April 10, 2014

By Sukie de la Croix

Gay life in Chicago this week, back in ...


         Gay Illini, the gay student organization at the University of Illinois, Champaign, proclaims April 12 as a Gay Awareness Day as part of a weeklong campaign to impress the university administration and student body of the importance of gay respect. Under the promotion, "If You're Gay, Wear Bluejeans," the group apparently succeeded in making their heterosexual counterparts vastly amend their dress code.


IMAGE: The Ranch – Gay Life February 17, 1978

         Les Trotter writes in Gay Life:

         "Chicago-born and a graduate of DuSable High School, Roosevelt University and Northwestern Law School, State Senator Harold Washington is running for Mayor of Chicago. When asked the inevitable question, 'Why?' he responded, 'It was felt that someone from the community should run, a feeling not only in the Black community but in the Latino community as well. And with the city being 40% Black, many people felt that there should be a responsible Black candidate.'"


         Article in Chicago Gay News:

         "The Rogers Park Gay Center, 7109 N. Glenwood, in Chicago, elected new officers on Sunday March 28. Former secretary Mark Sherkow was elected to be chairperson, Ron O'Garra treasurer, and John Angelback replaces Sherkow as secretary. Jo Vrabel was appointed coordinator of women's activities and a house director was also named."


         In the bars and clubs, Monday nights mean the Bladder Busters Beer Bust at Bulldog Road, 2916 N. Broadway; Strip Search Returns to the Glory Hole, 1343 N. Wells; it's the Grand Re-Opening of Halsted's Bar and Grill, 3700 N. Halsted St.; Men in Leather present Tuesdays with your hosts, Terry Hunter, Damien, Tim Henley, at Trianon, 3150 N. Halsted; join us for a cocktail or two after work or shopping at Second Story Bar, 157 E. Ohio; Live! On Stage! A special guest appearance by the Terrible Twirling Tassles of Charity O'Day, at Berlin, 954 W. Belmont; and there's a King of Kings and Queen of Queens contest at Paradise Chicago, 2848 N. Broadway.


IMAGE: Parting Glances – Gay Chicago March 13, 1986

         Richard Locke, along with Johnny Dawes and Daniel Holt, star in "Daddy Dearest" at the Bijou Adult Movie Theatre, 1349 N. Wells.


         Courtesy of Jeff Davis of Berlin:

         VIDEO PLAYLIST: 1) "Bad Habits" – Jenny Burton; 2) "Smooth Operator" – Sade; 3) "Things Can Only Get Better" – Howard Jones; 4) "We Are the World" – U.S.A. for Africa; 5) "Turn Your Back on Me" – Kaja; 6) "Do You Want it Right Now" – Siedah Garrett; 7) "Obsession" – Animation (Custom); 8) "My Girl Loves Me" – Shalamar; 9) "Be Your Man" – Jesse Johnson; 10) "We Close Our Eyes" – Go West.


         Chicago Gay Men's Chorus perform "CGMC and Other Musical Instruments," their spring concert, at Park West, 322 W. Armitage.


         The Oak Park Area Lesbian and Gay Association hold a Coffeehouse Soirée featuring performances by Women of Song and Deb Welch at the Buzz Café, Oak Park.


IMAGE: Greg Louganis – Outlines March 1995

      Lesbigay radio hosts Amy Metheny and Faren D'Abell interview Rev. Gregory Dell and bring you late-breaking LGBT News. Tune in to AM 1240 or AM 1470.


         Article in Gay Chicago begins:

         "The Chicago Area Lesbian and Gay Chamber of Commerce will hold an open call for performers to entertain at Alive with Pride, the Midwest's first large-scale entertainment, shopping and educational event, to be held over Labor Day weekend at Navy Pier."


         Amy Ray performs her new solo material with the Butchies (featuring Kaia from Team Dresch), at Metro 3730 N. Clark St. Also performing is local bisexual singer Rose Polenzani.


        The Hook Torture Traveling Roadshow, featuring photography by Terry Gaskins, Lee Higgs, and Chris Kellner, stops off at Berlin, 954 W. Belmont. The event is followed by Bloody Good Friday, a celebration of scream and slash flicks.


         TransGenesis hosts "A New Beginning ... From Our Beginning," a celebration of transgender inclusion. The reception includes buffet and cash bar, and a screening of "TranGenesis in South Africa" video at Frankie Z's, 435 N. Clark St.


IMAGE: Cover – Gay Chicago April 12, 2001

        Rogers Park Gay and Lesbian Neighbors Association host a wine tasting social at Jarvis Fine Wines.


        Facets Multimedia, 1517 W. Fullerton, screens "Chutney Popcorn," a 1999 film directed by Nisha Ganatra, which looks at Indian traditions, modern New York, and commitment-phobic lesbians.


         Gay Pakistani poet Ifti Nasim reads from his new book of poetry, "Myrmecophile," at the Edgewater branch of the Chicago Public Library.


         Windy City Gay Naturists host a swimming social at Jane Addams Center pool, 3212 N. Broadway.


         Feast of Fools Cabaret at Hot House, 31 E. Balbo, presents "Yo! My Momma Dresses Me Way Too Sexy," a variety show that addresses urban culture and motherhood. Featuring Patricia and Fausto Fernos, Asimina Chremos, Silky Jumbo, Victoria Lamarr, Scott Free, Anthony Willis, and Diane Parker.


        Open Road Riders of Chicagoland, a local gay and lesbian Motorcycle Touring Club, holds its general meeting at the Wild Onion Restaurant, 3500 N. Lincoln.


What are the Terrible Twirling Tassles of Charity O'Day?

I performed several times with the Feast of Fools. Was I a mess, or what?

Are the Open Riders of Chicagoland still around?

Gay Chicago Photo Rewind

Terry Gaskins photographs at Buddies for Gay Chicago December 26, 1996, Nice photograph of Widow Butler.

Terry Gaskins photographs the Pink Angels for Gay Chicago February 3, 1994

St. Sukie photographs the Bar Olympics at Berlin for Nightlines April 4, 2001

St. Sukie took these photographs for Nightspots March 5, 2003

Thanks go to publishers Michael Bergeron for Chicago Gay Crusader, Ralph and Craig Gernhardt for Gay Chicago, Grant Ford and Chuck Renslow for Gay Life, Malone Sizelove for Babble/Gab, David Costanza and others for Chicago Free Press, Jeff McCourt for Windy City Times, Stacy Bridges and Mark Nagel for GRAB, and Tracy Baim for all the publications at the Windy City Media Group, which aided the above research. St. Sukie de la Croix is an internationally published reporter, playwright, photographer and historian. He is also the author of Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago Before Stonewall published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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