Route 66: All-Star Concert of SGT. PEPPER

Fri. September 20, 2013

By Danny Bernardo

On Monday September 23, Route 66 Theatre Company (the company that brought you 2011's runaway hit A Twist of Water) presents their annual benefit concert "Mile Markers." This year they bring The Beatles' iconic album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band to life with an all-star line up, headed by Michael Mahler and the Lincoln Squares with Alan Schmuckler and featuring guest performances by Adrian Aguilar, Audrey Billings, Dara Cameron, Sean Effinger-Dean, Don Forston, Marya Grandy, Michael and Angela Ingersoll, Jake Mahler, Elizabeth Ledo, Emily Rohm, Holly Stauder, Bethany Thomas, and Route 66 Artistic Director Stef Tovar.

Featuring songs like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," "When I'm 64," and "With a Little Help from My Friends," this one-of-a-kind performance is going to rock the Mayne Stage in Rogers Park. There will be delicious food, a stocked cash bar, and an amazing auction items including a special treat from the set of CBS's Under The Dome.

All proceeds from the event will go to support Route 66's upcoming season of new American plays, which will be announced for the first time at Mile Markers!

The event will take place at Mayne Stage (1328 Morse Ave Chicago, IL 60626)

Tickets are $50 in advance, $60 at the door, and there are $75 VIP Tickets (which includes preferred seating, free valet parking, and a complimentary beverage) are available

The doors and Silent Auction open at 7:00 PM, with the concert starting at 8:00 PM.

Tickets can be purchased here. For more info on the company, please visit their website.

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