February 2013

Sat. March 16, 2013

By Terrence Chappell

February was a heavy month for big news items. From President Obama's State of Union Address on Feb. 12 to Beyonce's blow-out performance during the Super Bowl XLVII half-time game on Feb. 3, newspapers and blogs weren't hurting for headlines. However, whether you were single or in a relationship, Feb. 14 Valentine's Day brought a special gift for the entire community; the same-sex marriage bill was passed through the Senate. So, to kick of's premiere The Month in Quotes feature, I mixed and mingled with the guests on the red carpet at Center on Halsted's Oscar Party at the Park West on Feb. 24 to get their take on some of February's biggest headlines.

On Beyonce's Super Bowl half-time performance

"I thought she was fabulous and amazing. She literally shut down the house." Rebecca Roussell, 28, Public Relations Bronzeville

On same-sex marriage

"It was very exciting and uplifting to see that we're progressing towards same-sex marriage in Illinois. I think it's something we've hoped for a while and it's great to see in our own home state." Patrick Kubik, 29, Banker, Chicago

On Center on Halsted's Oscar Party

"I think it's absolutely spectacular. The winners are not only on stage but it's the winners who are the beneficiaries of all the involvement of the people a part of the Center." Scott Silverman, 44, Portfolio Manager, Chicago

On the Oscars

"The highlight of the Oscars for me were Jennifer Hudson, Russell Crowe, and Hugh Jackman singing together." Oscar Aguilar, 44, Accountant, Lincoln Square

On same-sex marriage

"Same-sex marriage is a huge step forward for all of us." Sophie Williams, Nielsen Events and Sponsorships, Chicago

On President Obama's State of Union

"President Obama is a visionary leader. What I was most impressed was his courage. He stated that he values the perspectives of people and their visions for our country for everyone – that's amazing. We haven't had that in our country in a long time. This has always been a country where people with resources, money, and contacts have the most influence on government. And President Obama represents the greatest, largest group of a community leader we have ever had." Marcus Brady, 47, Board Chair for Center on Halsted, Old Town

On the Oscars

"My Oscar highlight was when Adele sang. I adore Adele. She's so humble. She resembles all of us." Modesto Tico Valle, CEO of Center on Halsted, Chicago

On President Obama's State of the Union

"From Seneca falls to Selma to Stonewall to sanity." Jason Dennis, Teacher, 35, Edgewater

On the Oscars

"Anne Hathaway may have won an Oscar, but her boobs lost." Dustin Erikstrup, Special Events for Center on Halsted, 28, Chicago

On the Oscars

"I think It's crazy that all of these movies have social focuses and that we're finally actually talking about. I think it's awesome that the academy is honoring and these are the movies people are watching this year." Precious Davis, Youth Health Educator Prevention Coordinator at Center on Halsted, 28, Lakeview

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