Sunday, March 28

Sun. March 28, 2004

By Peter Mavrik

It's 5:30AM on Sunday and I've just arrived home from working at Jackhammer. The crowd was brilliant, the space was charged with good energy, and I enjoyed myself. I'm also wide awake and can't sleep. Time to write methinks.

Rewind to Saturday afternoon. I was lying in bed reading "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" with my two cats perched on either side of me when my phone rang. It was my friend Jeremy calling. "Gurl, are you busy tonight? Want a gig? Is it ok if I give Kevin Bernal your digits?" I said sure, but I was absolutely mystified. I had no clue what it was about.

Thirty minutes later DJ Kevin Bernal (Saturday resident at Jackhammer) called and introduced himself. He told me Jackhammer needed a DJ for the evening and I was recommended. At first I hesitated. Not because it was Jackhammer (I've never spun there), but because I had a Japanese lesson early on Sunday. I didn't think a gig from 12AM to 5AM would make me any better at trashing the Japanese language than I already am. But after talking with Kevin for a little while I realized that he was in a jam and I could help him out. So I agreed.

We met at the club about an hour later to go over the equipment and let me tell you, Kevin is HOT. I found myself thinking naughty thoughts while we were in the DJ booth. Heck, I'm even thinking impure thoughts right now about him.

Anyway, I arrived early and set myself up in the booth. The crowd was pretty thin until around 11:30. But after that, the club started to fill up. Jackhammer's crowd is a great mix of gay life. For those who've never been, it's NOT a scary leather bar. In fact, there is no such thing as a scary leather bar. Every "leather" bar I've been to in Chicago is fun and the people are nice.

The Jackhammer crowd was made up of men of all ages and sizes. There were even a few women in the crowd. It was great to see so many nice people enjoying themselves without attitude. Well, except one person. A certain promoter who shall remain nameless. I said his (or is it her?) name over the mic and (s)he refused to look at me or wave. Last time I'm nice to that one. Trust. And no Stella, it's not you. I love you honey!

Thankfully they liked my music. A moment of conceit; I knew they would. People really do like House music. Most of them just don't know it until you bring it. In any case, people were dancing all night and the owner and staff were happy. All in all, a brilliant night at a fun club. I hope to have the pleasure of working there again, and I will surely head out to see and hear Kevin Bernal (HOT!) very soon.

Now, since I'm still awake, where is my Japanese homework?

Always with you in 4/4,

Peter Mavrik

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