December 24, 2013

Get me to the church when it's time

BY Honey West ("Ask Miss Honey")

Miss Honey... now that Illinois has full marriage equality, my boyfriend of one year is really pushing to get married. I'm not sure we are ready -- and that perhaps he's just jumping on the marriage bandwagon because he's caught-up in the whirlwind of excitement.

Is it too early since we've only been dating a year?

What an exciting time we live in. It is smart of you not to get caught up in the excitement and concentrate on what is right for you. As always honesty is the best policy. After all every good relationship should start with honesty.

First you must be honest with yourself. You need to, first, figure out if the reservation you have about getting married is just a case of cold feet or something much more serious.

Then I would address these concerns with your boyfriend. You might be able to clear up a lot with a simple conversation. If you still have concerns stick to your guns and wait. You will find out, with time, if he is the right guy for you.

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