Dear Princess Darby,
I really like this one girl and she likes me too but she hesitant to go back out with me and now she has a new girl friend but she lives really far away and I don't understand why she won't date me. How do I make her want me?
In Wanting
Friday, November 19, 2004
Dear In Wanting,
Past girlfriend has moved on, and hesitates to date you again?
Is it possible that you already know the answer from your past experience? You may have the answer in hand.
Questions rise. If you both had a valued relationship, why did you break up? What caused the breakup? Was the distance of living the same or greater? Was it an issue?
Now, if she has a new girlfriend, does this mean she found a compatible partner, or was she on the rebound?
Every relationship takes work. The work should start at the beginning, during, and continue through, not at the end.
Sometimes human beings want something they can't have, or what looks better is what we don't have.
Although we may offer the bait, you can't make someone want you. We may attract, flirt, and tempt. But it depends what you want at the end.
My question to you is: how would you feel if you were her new girlfriend? There is a triangle of three, not two. If you believe all is "fair in love and war", then sit down with her and dicuss it. If you are not, then move on, the pastures are not always "green on the other side".
Happy Thanksgiving,
Princess Darby
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