Fetish Friday: Sweat

Friday, June 14, 2024, 9:00 PM  |  view details and directions

Fetish Friday: Sweat

Pheromone-lovers, it's your time to shine and glisten at Jackhammer's steamy monthly event—SWEAT! Natural scents and pits take center stage, so flaunt your gear and get musky with it! Fetish Friday is always a full-contact sport at Jackhammer. $5 cover after 10pm.

Fetish Friday is a weekly event from 9pm–4am that features rotating themes and parties. Participation in themes is totally optional and accessible to all—from newbies to the more experienced—and intended to encourage guests that are interested in the theme to explore and learn in a safe, LGBTQIA+ environment.

Getting there

6406 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL