Reeling: Big Boys

Sunday, September 24, 2023, 2:30 PM  |  view details and directions

Reeling: Big Boys
A unique blend of comedy and heartfelt drama, BIG BOYS challenges conventional stereotypes around body image in this atypical coming-of-age narrative from first-time director, Corey Sherman. In a breakout lead performance by Isaac Krasner, the film follows the journey of Jamie, a 14-year-old culinary enthusiast, who experiences a summer of self-discovery during a family camping trip with his older brother Luke and cousin, Allie. When Jamie learns that Allie will be bringing her new boyfriend, Dan, he becomes wary of losing time with her on the trip. However, Dan immediately charms Jamie with his confidence, sense of humor, and idiosyncratic interests. In a laugh-out-loud adventure, Jamie rejects trying to fit in with his â??coolâ? older brother, opting instead to spend quality time attempting to impress the empathetic Dan. As the trip continues and wild times ensue, we settle in with Jamie and company, brushing up against life's all too familiar struggles when growing up queer. The film's strength lies in its nuanced portrayal of queer adolescence, focusing on Jamie's internal struggles and his journey towards self-acceptance. Sponsored

Getting there

2828 N Clark, Chicago, IL