Reeling: Before I Change My Mind

Saturday, September 23, 2023, 3:00 PM  |  view details and directions

Reeling: Before I Change My Mind
In this electrifying debut feature, gender nonconforming transfer student Robin arrives at a new school in small-town Alberta during the late '80s. Initially ostracized due to their peers' confusion over their gender identity, Robin gradually forms a complex and ultimately toxic bond with the school's bully. Robinâ??s confusing attraction to the bully soon complicates the already difficult trials of young queer life. The fun and adventurous film might even remind viewers of THE 400 BLOWS. As Robin navigates this new environment, they confront all of the typical binaries of gendered high school life, letting the prying, simple minded questions hang in the air. Bolstered by great performances and beautiful cinematography, the film offers a poignant, and often absurdist comedic take on the coming-of-age narrative. With its vibrant '80s aesthetic, synth-heavy soundtrack, and a wacky stage musical, the film offers a unique and compelling perspective on the journey of self-discovery. Sponsored

Getting there

2828 N Clark, Chicago, IL