This program of international narrative shorts highlights the struggles faced by transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people, and the communities we build that support us (or sometimes don’t) as we face the world around us. In an episode of new web series BROTHERS we get an intimate look at the everyday lives of a group of four trans masc friends living in NYC. Starring actor/stand-up comedian and transgender activist Bethany Black (DOCTOR WHO) and Sean Duggan (THE LOBSTER), TUESDAY NIGHT is a tongue-in-cheek comedy about the sensationalized media representation of trans people, and the burdens of local planning regulation. DUALITY (DVITA) tells the heartbreaking story of a member of the Hijra (intersex/transgender) community in India, who develops a crush on a girl but realizes that neither his community nor the world at large really approve of his identity and existence. A young transgender man feels solid in his choice to present authentically, but struggles to settle into his daily life in MATHIAS.
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