Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play

Thursday, February 1, 2018, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM  |  view details and directions

Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play
What would you hold sacred if everything you knew was destroyed? In three acts, Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play is the story of survival and reinvention in a post-apocalyptic world. What starts as a group of friends casually recounting a Simpson’s episode morphs—over the course of more than 80 years—into a completely new form of storytelling. January 26, 2018 - February 04, 2018 Previews : 1/24 & 1/25 WED - SAT at 7:30 PM SUN at 2 PM By Anne Washburn Score by Michael Friedman Lyrics by Anne Washburn Directed by Jeremy Aluma

Location: The Theatre School at DePaul University