Film Screening/Q&A: "By The People: 25 Years Of Community Archiving At Leather Archives & Museum at International Mr. Leather, Inc. In the Florentine room at Congress Hotel. The Leather Archives & Museum (Chicago, IL USA) was co-founded in 1991 by Tony DeBlase & Chuck Renslow. Over the past 25 years, LA&M has evolved into an internationally-recognized nonprofit organization with a library, museum, & archive containing rare & one-of-a-kind materials about the Leather, kink, S/M, & fetish culture & communities. "By The People" shows what happens when an otherwise-marginalized & often-silenced sub-community within the larger LGBTQ+ community comes together &, via preservation of their community's names, histories, documents, & artifacts, brings itself an enhanced visibility that, ultimately, fights against sex & sexuality social stigma, celebrates authenticity & consent, & demands that sex & sexuality be treated as valid topics that requires academic study. STARRING: Chuck Renslow, Gayle Rubin, Rick Storer, Jakob VanLammeren, Chris Zimmerman Law, Tony DeBlase After the screening, Christina & Rick will answer audience questions about the film & LA&M.
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