(EM)Brace: Trans Identities

Sunday, September 21, 2014, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM  |  view details and directions

(EM)Brace: Trans Identities
These heartfelt and stirring films depict the painful truths of the transgender experience, from PERSON, a poetic portrait of a person coming to realize their trans identity, to OUTSIDE THE RING, a powerful documentary about women using boxing to heal from trauma, to BRACE, a British drama about a young transman’s desperation to be accepted in the gay club scene. Total 101 min. PERSON (Drew Brown, US, 2014) HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Isabelle Gerbaud, France, 2013) IN MY SKIN (David Kornfield, US, 2013) JO (April Wilson, US, 2013) OUTSIDE THE RING (Joanne Green, Steve Lindsay, Canada, 2013) BRACE (Sophy Holland, UK, 2013)

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5720 N Ridge Ave., Chicago, IL