The Emperor of Atlantis/ The Clever One
Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 7:30 PM | view details and directions
Two hilarious operas in one night! These satires mocking oppression and dictatorship were written in 1943 Germany under vastly different circumstances: Ullman's work in the concentration camp of Theresienstadt (Terezin), and Orff's opera in Frankfurt, Germany. Viktor Ullmann's "The Emperor of Atlantis" is a witty send-up of fascism where a mad ruler advocates war against all, and even causes Death to retire from his duties. In contrast, Carl Orff's "The Clever One" is a cautionary fairy-tale about a foolish, tyrannical king bested by a clever woman. Join us at Chicago's historic Merle Reskin Theatre for this amazing double bill!
Location: Merle Reskin Theatre