Robert Marshall, is a radiologist and Democrat candidate for the US Senate. Different from his challengers, he takes a more conservative stance on many issues, including those which directly affect the LGBT community. He took time to meet with at the Intercontinental Hotel a few weeks ago and discuss his candidacy. Marshall was open and direct with his answers.
"We are for legal civil unions and a lot of legal problems can be solved by legally binding contracts," said Marshall in declining to support gay marriage. "In general each state should be free to decide on their own."
Should the Defense of Marriage Act be repealed? "Not really, I think things should be left as they are now. Legally speaking a marriage should be between a man and a woman. It's been there for three thousand years and we should keep it that way."
"He (referring to President Barack Obama) should remove Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT). I've been in the military and gays should be treated in the military the same as on the civil side." Marshall added "I would definitely sponsor legislation to repeal DADT." Marshall noted he is the only Veteran candidate in the field.
Taxes: "I consider myself a right of center candidate…I've taken the pledge to vote against legislation increasing taxes. What they need to do is cut spending." Marshall boasted of the National Taxpayers United of Illinois endorsement which he has received. He is also opposed to cap and trade.
As a physician, how do you feel about the current health care system? "Most of my patients are Medicare patients." "I'm pretty satisfied with Medicare. In general you need to make up the poor reimbursement rates with volume." He went on to say "we should have better payment for our family doctors, our primary care guys who people see first. We need a change in philosophy for care."
"I doubt if the state can take up the slack for Medicaid payments" referring to health care reform bills currently in the House and Senate. "$700-800 million on military should be shifted to health care" and then reiterated "we need to cut back on military spending and put it on medical care."
Marshall is in favor of term limits suggesting Members of Congress be limited to 10 years and US Senators to 12 years.
More on Robert Marshall can be found at
Democratic Senate candidates Alexi Giannoulias, Jacob Meister, and Robert Marshall offered time to and the LGBT community through these informative candidate forums. Democratic Senate candidates David Hoffman and Cheryle Jackson, and the Republican Senate candidates did not respond to requests. does not endorse political races.