Normal, IL -
Illinois State University has expanded and enhanced domestic partner benefits to allow for reimbursement for health, dental and vision care insurance.
The changes will make coverage for married employees and domestic partner employees more equitable, according to President Al Bowman. “Diversity is one of the core values of Educating Illinois, our institution’s action plan for distinctiveness and excellence,” Bowman said. “This action sends a message to the entire campus community that Illinois State University provides a welcoming environment and a responsible environment for all employees.”
Eligibility for health, dental and vision care insurance reimbursement will be determined by a Statement of Domestic Partnership provided to the Illinois State University Human Resources Office. The domestic partner may be of the same or opposite sex. The cost to the University for extending benefits is estimated at $35,000 per year.
The Health Insurance Reimbursement Program allows the University to reimburse for a portion of health care premiums for domestic partners and/or dependent children of domestic partners. After obtaining an insurance policy, employees and domestic partners will submit documentation of medical coverage and premium payment from an employer, insurance company or HMO plan. The amount of reimbursement to employees is the difference between what an employee pays to purchase the partner’s coverage versus the premium the employees would pay for dependent coverage under the State of Illinois Quality Care plan.
Other benefits provided are those controlled solely by Illinois State University and include the following:
• Tuition Waiver for Children: Natural or adopted children of a domestic partner may receive a waiver for one-half of Illinois State’s tuition.
• Family Medical Leave Act Leave: Employees may take leave to care for a domestic partner if they have a serious health condition.
• Sick Leave: Employees may use sick leave for an illness of a domestic partner.
• Bereavement Leave: Three days off with pay may be granted for the death of a domestic partner or their first-degree relatives.
• Wellness Program: Wellness-sponsored programs open to family members are open to domestic partners.
• Milner Library: Domestic partners may use the facility by presenting a valid identification card.
• Recreation Services/Facilities: Domestic partners may participate with a user pass.