The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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23. No Big

Charlie ignored all of Hunter's protests to just wait for the Halsted bus and hailed a cab home. "We're coming from the hospital," Charlie insisted. "He'll understand. And I'll tip him extra." Hunter's room was tidier then when he left it: Charlie must've cleaned up once the doctor had given Hunt

23. No Big
Charlie ignored all of Hunter's protests to just wait for the Halsted bus and hailed a cab home. "We're coming from the hospital," Charlie insisted. "He'll understand. And I'll tip him extra."

Hunter's room was tidier then when he left it: Charlie must've cleaned up once the doctor had given Hunter the ok to go home. "Go lay down," Charlie said. "I'll make you something to eat."

"I've been cooped up in a bed for God knows how long. I wanna play my video games."

"Omigod, do I have to get you a set of footie pajamas?" Charlie teased. "After I make you something to eat. The doctor said you had to rest. Now go." Hunter huffed off to his room and Charlie headed to the kitchen where Eddy was waiting with two glasses of wine.

"Jesus, I could've sworn that mom was in the next room," she teased, handing him a glass of wine.

"Thanks for helping me finish cleaning while I went to pick him up. I didn't want him to wait too long by himself."

"Isn't that what your other roommate is for?"

"He's working overtime at Haven. The transition is going full force thank God." He started pulling out ground lamb and rosemary from the fridge and started a pot of water to boil.

"What are you doing?" Eddy asked, pouring herself another glass.

"Making Hunter's dinner," Charlie said, beginning to quarter a bag of potatoes.

"Stop. Gram's shepherd pie? The 'use in case of infatuation' recipe?!"

"Didn't you just make it for some girl you just met?" Charlie jabbed back, salting the water.

"What, only you gays are allowed movie moment meet cutes? And hold the phone, back it up..."

"Mixing metaphors is very unbecoming on you."

"Are you guys...?"

"Us guys...?"

"You and Hunter. Is it like...a thing?"

"I...don't know. I mean, I'm not..."

"Stop. The 'Charlie two-step in and out of feelings' might've been cute when you were a kid, maybe even endearing, but Chuck, c'mon you're turning thirty. What's going on?"

"I don't know, sis. Like seriously. One minute I'm drunk and broody and mad at my life for who knows what fucking reason and the next...I'm praying to a God I haven't talked to since college admissions and begging for Hunter to be ok. It all happened so fast. Then fucking Tom..."

"Wait. TOM Tom? 'He Who Shall Not Be Named But Has Since Been Named Again' Tom?"

"Yeah, he stopped by the hospital as wanted to get back together and..."

"You didn't!"

"Can I finish a goddamn sentence?"

"Can you finish a fucking thought?"

"No, I didn't. I was too busy worrying about Hunter."

Eddy snickered. "Oh my god."


"Hunter. You and Hunter. You lo..."

"Don't. I'm not sure yet."

"Um yeah you are Chuck, if you'd get your head out of your own ass long enough to realize it."

Charlie didn't know what to say, so he started to chop onions.

"You've got to tell him," Eddy insisted.

"There's nothing to..." The Eddy glare that Charlie had known his whole life made him cut the bullshit. "Besides I don't even know if he feels the same way."

"Yeah, you do. Now go tell him before you puss out. I'll finish this up."



Charlie approached Hunter's room cautiously and knocked on the door. "Come in," Hunter said. Charlie opened the door as Hunter hurriedly hid his PSP under the covers.

"I thought I said rest."

"Well if I'm supposed to be resting, why are you bothering me?"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"That's not what I meant," Hunter chuckled. "Come in. We um...we should probably talk anyway."

"Oh yeah?" Charlie asked anxiously, sitting on the foot of his bed.

"Yeah. I've been know, since I've gotten out of the coma about what's important in life."

"Yeah?" Charlie said, leaning in.

"Yeah and I decided...I need to get out."


"I need to see the world. Live life. I mean, I almost died, right? And who knows how long I've got left. I need to take the time I've got left and experience life. I mean fuck, the only two places I've ever been in my life were my hometown and Chicago."


"I've got money left over from what my dad left me. And I've been saving. He left me a car, so I'll go back home and get it when I'm ready. And drive."


"I don't know. I guess, that's kind of the point."

Charlie got up, cursing himself for being reduced to monosyllabic responses. "When?" he mustered.

"When I'm well enough, I guess."

"Wow," Charlie said, heading for the door.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I just...I have to check on your dinner."

"Charlie," Hunter called as Charlie was halfway out the door.

"Yeah?" Charlie turned back, anxiously.

"I hate goodbyes. So when it's time...I'll probably just go. But it doesn't mean that I don't...I mean, I do, I...thank you. For everything."

"No big," was all Charlie could muster. He scurried out of the room and rushed into his own room. As soon as the door was shut, and for reasons he couldn't understand, he crumpled onto the floor and burst into uncontrollable sobs.




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