The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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20. Random

The Random texted when he was outside the front door per Hunter's request. Hunter snuck downstairs as quietly as he could, careful not to wake Charlie and Tyler up. Hunter let The Random in without a word and led him upstairs, motioning for him to not say anything. "What are you into?" The Random

20. Random
The Random texted when he was outside the front door per Hunter's request. Hunter snuck downstairs as quietly as he could, careful not to wake Charlie and Tyler up. Hunter let The Random in without a word and led him upstairs, motioning for him to not say anything.

"What are you into?" The Random asked.

"Whatever," Hunter said.

This wasn't an ideal situation for Hunter. Steve had sent him home early from work  that night for being too drunk behind the bar and most of the door guys in Boystown refused to let Hunter in anymore. This Random he met off of A4A would have to do.

There was something methodical about the way Hunter went through the motions of hooking up with The Random. Random's ears were a huge erogenous zone, as was the side of his neck. That's what Hunter, discovered, anyway, as he traced a path down it with his tongue, working his way down to Random's nipples (another mother lode of sensitivity,) all the way down Random's happy trail, down to his throbbing cock which Hunter quickly engorged in his mouth. It was all... predictable. Routine.  Mechanical. 

Random quickly returned the favor, sucking Hunter's cock with a lot more fervor and eagerness. Working his way back up to Hunter's mouth, Random smiled, pulled slightly away, spit on the palm of his hand and wet his hole with it. Slowly, he started to guide Hunter's thick cock into him.

"Wait," Hunter said, snapping out of his apathetic routine. "Let me get a condom."

"Fuck it," Random said. "I want you in me."

"Seriously, stop. You don't even know if I'm clean."

"I don't care."

Hunter sat up and stared at him in disbelief. "I'm positive."

Random pushed Hunter back down and started riding him. "I. Don't. Care." Random began to ride Hunter harder, faster. "That's it," Random said, grabbing Hunter by the back of the head. "Fill me with your poison."

Hunter pushed Random off of him. "What the fuck dude. Don't you even care that you might catch it?"

"It's inevitable," Random said. "That's the life we live. Might as well enjoy it while we can."

"What kind of  ass backwards thinking is that?"

"No need to get upset."

"No. None at all. You just called what was inside of me poison. You just wanted me to give you a life-long sentence of a disease they have no cure for yet."

"We all have to die some time, right?" Random said flippantly.

It took every fiber of Hunter's being not to lash out with the rage boiling inside of him. Instead, he looked Random dead in the eye and growled: "Get. Out."

"Not til we finish," Random said, trying to push Hunter back on the bed. Hunter knocked Random to the floor and stood above him.


The sound of Random gathering his clothes and slamming the door as he ran down the stairs woke Charlie up. Charlie could've sworn he heard a scream from Hunter's room, so he rushed over. Charlie peeked his head into the door that was slightly ajar to discover Hunter sitting naked on the floor, knees to his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

"What is wrong with me?" Hunter asked, looking up at Charlie. Charlie sat down beside him and held him tight, wiping Hunter's tears, stroking his hair as his head lay on Charlie's chest.

"Nothing's wrong with you," Charlie said. "You're just grieving."

"I'm a fucking piece of shit," Hunter sobbed.

"No, you are not."

"I was supposed to die first, not Fitz. I didn't fucking deserve him."

"Hunter, you deserve to be loved," Charlie said, kissing him firmly on the head. Hunter pushed him away and covered his face with his arms. Charlie unfolded them and took Hunter's face in his hands.

Out of instinct, out of reflex, and without thinking, Charlie kissed him.

And Hunter kissed him back.


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