The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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6. Tuna Tartar

Tyler recognized the restaurant as the one he'd taken Andy to on their god awful first date. The French Japanese fusion was delicious, but it seemed odd to meet here for a business lunch.  "You look adorable by the way," Mason said over his tuna tartar. "Oh. Thanks?" Tyler replied. "It's

6. Tuna Tartar
Tyler recognized the restaurant as the one he'd taken Andy to on their god awful first date. The French Japanese fusion was delicious, but it seemed odd to meet here for a business lunch. 

"You look adorable by the way," Mason said over his tuna tartar.

"Oh. Thanks?" Tyler replied. "It's usually pretty business casual at Haven, so..."

"Ugh, Haven. Do we have to talk about that place?"

"I thought that was the whole point. Didn't you want to talk about possibly helping out?"

"Sure, tell me how many zeroes, you want me to put on the check. That's how I'll help."

"It really is a great place. You should come see it some time. We're doing a lot of good."

"I've seen it," Mason scoffed, sipping his chardonnay.

"You have?"

"Yeah, my ex used to tutor there."



"Oh," Tyler said, awkwardly sipping his Pellegrino.

"You know what I thought Haven always needed? A gala benefit! You'd make so much money!"

"I don't think that's really Edward's style..."

"The old black guy? He's not gonna say no to a bunch of do-gooding queers throwing checks his way. Come on!"

"It seems like it'd be a lot of work."

"I'll head the committee. Me and mine...we LOVE committees!"

"Well...sure! That'd be great. I'll talk to Edward about it."

"And of head of the committee...I'll need to meet with you weekly. To make sure that the event is going to your taste."

"Well sure...."

"Good," Mason beamed, going back to his tuna tartar. Tyler began to wonder...was this a date?



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