The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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25. Like a Break Up

"You're so over it, it's not even funny," Virgil said, as they patrolled Belmont, west of Clark. "Oh, so you're gonna miss me?" Fitz teased. "Shut up," Virgil said. "You should've applied too. We could've been partners again." "Right. Like they would've put two rooks together. Anyway, th

25. Like a Break Up
"You're so over it, it's not even funny," Virgil said, as they patrolled Belmont, west of Clark.

"Oh, so you're gonna miss me?" Fitz teased.

"Shut up," Virgil said.

"You should've applied too. We could've been partners again."

"Right. Like they would've put two rooks together. Anyway, there's no way I would've gotten to detective."

"There's always a way, man. You just gotta apply yourself." Fitz stopped and realized that Virgil was yards behind him crying. "Oh man, what's wrong?"

"I am gonna miss you," Virgil said. Fitz went back and hugged his partner: it was almost like a break up and they had to treat it as such. This was their last patrol together before Fitz was moving on to become a detective. It was special.

Loud voices clamoring from just east of Berlin interrupted the moment and they ran to assess the situation. Two drag queens were fighting in the alley and Fitz recognized one of them immediately as LaTrice, one of Edward's girls from Haven.

"I told you bitch, next time I saw you, I'd end you," the drugged out looking drag queen said to Edward's girl.

"Jazmine, you so fuckin' stupid," LaTrice said. Jazmine pulled out a gun.

"Freeze," Fitz said as Virgil called for back up. Fitz saw Jazmine put pressure on the trigger before he could reach for his own gun. Out of instinct, he ran to push LaTrice out of the way.

Jazmine pulled the trigger. The bullet found its home deep in Fitz's lung.

"FUCK!" cried Virgil, as Jazmine ran off and LaTrice collapsed next to Fitz. "We need a bus, in an alley between Belmont and Sheffield NOW!"

But it was too late: Fitz was gone.


Well that does it for another volume! Thanks again to my friends Jon Steinhagen, Aaron Holland, and Mike Cho for starting us off! Next week will be recaps and we'll launch Volume 9 on Monday, June 17!


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