The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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21. Boring

Hunter was on the couch playing that new superhero fighting game that took up most of his free time when Charlie got home from school. "Hey," Hunter said. "Hey," Charlie said. "You about to go out with Ben?" "Nah, he's on rounds tonight. Fitz?" "On patrol." "Ah. Well, I'm gonna ope

21. Boring
Hunter was on the couch playing that new superhero fighting game that took up most of his free time when Charlie got home from school.

"Hey," Hunter said.

"Hey," Charlie said.

"You about to go out with Ben?"

"Nah, he's on rounds tonight. Fitz?"

"On patrol."

"Ah. Well, I'm gonna open a bottle of wine, probably order some Mark's. You want in?"

"Sure," Hunter said, as Tyler came in from Haven.

"Hey," said Tyler.

"Hey," said Charlie and Hunter.

"Brad coming over?" asked Hunter.

"Nah, trying to slow that down a bit. I mean, we're both new, right? We shouldn't be like tied down or whatever."

"There are no ‘should's' just ‘what is'," said Charlie.

"Word," said Hunter.

"Well, anyway, we're not hanging tonight."

"Grab a controller dude," Hunter said.

"I'm getting Chinese, you want in?"

"Sure," said Tyler.

"Oh god," Charlie groaned suddenly. "It's happened."

"What?" asked Tyler and Hunter.

"The three of us... have gotten coupled up and now we're... BORING!"


"We are so not boring," Hunter said, taking the last piece of crab Rangoon. "So stop worrying about it."

"We are though," said Charlie. "All we talk about are our boyfriends. All we do is hang out with our boyfriends."

"We've got lots of interesting stuff going on," Tyler said. "Didn't you just have a school scandal?"

"Yeah and Tyler dated a high schooler," Hunter said.

"Shut up!" protested Tyler.

"Tyler's breaking up marriages," Hunter said.

"And don't you have a vengeful and crazy drag queen brother?" Tyler asked Hunter.

"See! We're not boring!"

"Yeah," Charlie said, picking at his sweet and sour pork. "Maybe I'm just... not used to things going so well, you know? Maybe because I'm not busy waiting for the other shoe to drop, maybe I'm finding problems that aren't there."

"Having a boyfriend or whatever doesn't make you boring. It just... I dunno, focuses you, I guess. It's nice that we're all relatively happy at the same time. Right?"

"Yeah, I just feel like I never see you guys anymore."

"How about this," Tyler said. "What if we planned one night a week that was roomie night? That was just us and no one else."

"I'd be down for that," Hunter said.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Charlie said. "And we can start it tonight. No boyfriend or whatever talk. Just us."

In the other room, a text message alert sounded. And they all three bolted to see if it was their phone.

Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 5 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 6 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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