The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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17. The Kid That Took The Picture

"I'd like to report a hate crime," Alex declared as he stepped up to the sergeant's desk. "What is the nature of the crime?" the desk sergeant asked with an exasperated sigh. "Not to you T.J. Hooker." Alex began to wave frantically to the handsome officer coming in from patrol. "Officer! It'

17. The Kid That Took The Picture
"I'd like to report a hate crime," Alex declared as he stepped up to the sergeant's desk.

"What is the nature of the crime?" the desk sergeant asked with an exasperated sigh.

"Not to you T.J. Hooker." Alex began to wave frantically to the handsome officer coming in from patrol. "Officer! It's me! Do you remember me? I need your help."

"Fitz!" called the desk sergeant, getting up to let Fitz sit.

"Oh hi," Fitz said. "I remember you. You were looking for your lost friend."


"Yeah, turns out we were looking for him too. See my boyfriend's roommate got in trouble because of this picture... "

"Mr. Parker?! You know Mr. Parker?"

"Yeah, he's... wait. Are you the kid that took the picture?"

Alex groaned in frustration. "Why does everyone think that? That's actually why I'm here. I know who did it!"

"I thought you said you were here to report a hate crime."

"Isn't it though? Bullying or whatever? Look how many lives it's ruined."

"I don't see how... "

"It was a student. His name is Steven Albright. He's got this big chip on his shoulder against gays. He tried to start some shit with me but I put him in his place."

"Oh really. How'd you do that?"

"I... um... have some incriminating photos of him. With another guy."

"And how is THAT not bullying?"

"Whatever. Can you help me or not?"

"How do you know it was him? What evidence do you have?"

Alex quickly rummaged in his bag and pulled out the print outs of the school computer log Brandon had helped him acquire. "See, the source of the email with that picture of Robbie and Mr. Parker being sent? It was a school computer and he was the only one logged into one at the time."

"The school gave you access to the their computer log-ins?"

"Well, no... "

"Then how did you... ?"

"I just. Did."

"Ah. So you would like to report a crime that isn't a crime with evidence that was illegally acquired?"

"OMG, I thought you wanted to help!"

"I wish I could. Look, here's my card, if something more substantial comes up... "

Ben came rushing in, almost knocking Alex over. "Fitz! We gotta find him, he's missing."

"Who Charlie?"

"No, Charlie's student. The one mixed up in all that drama. He was in the ER, he was all beat up and stabbed... "

"OMG," Alex cried out. "Robbie! Is he ok?"

Ben noticed Alex for the first time. "You know the kid?"

"That's another one of Charlie's students."

"Are you the one that took the picture?"

"Why does everyone think that?!"

Fitz grabbed his coat. "You can ride in the car with me. If he just went missing, he couldn't have gone very far."

Alex watched them rush off. "Wait! You're dating Mr. Parker's roommate?! Is it Tyler?"

Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 5 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 6 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


Current Chapter
Vol 7.17 The Kid That Took The Picture

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