The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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14. Approach

Robbie waited in front of the school before first bell as instructed. As a sleek Masarti pulled up, his phone vibrated with a one-word text from Alex: "Approach." Robbie cautiously approached the shiny, expensive car. After a moment, the window rolled down. "Ahem," Alex insisted, glaring at Robbi

14. Approach
Robbie waited in front of the school before first bell as instructed. As a sleek Masarti pulled up, his phone vibrated with a one-word text from Alex: "Approach." Robbie cautiously approached the shiny, expensive car. After a moment, the window rolled down.

"Ahem," Alex insisted, glaring at Robbie.

"Good morning, Alex."

"Well, don't just stand there gawking, open the door."

As Robbie opened the door for him, he noticed the guy he thought was Alex's dad in the driver's seat. He smiled courteously at Robbie and stared maybe a little too long at him. Alex gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek and go out, handing Robbie his books.

"Man, that car is SICK! My uncle bought one when his wife left him, it cost him six figures."

"Oh, well. You know." Alex said, too pleased with himself. He brushed his hair out of his face, deliberately letting the platinum bracelet catch the sun and shine in Robbie's face.

"Alex, that's gorgeous! Did he... ?"

"It's from Tiffany's."

"Get out! He bought that for you?!"

"Well I didn't get it from saving up my allowance!" Robbie held the door open for him and trailed behind as Alex power-walked to first period.

"Do you even like him? He's like ancient?"

"I like him enough. He treats me nice. And besides, what's the harm? It's just a little fun, right? He's so much more mature than these high school boys."

Robbie looked down, a little dejectedly. "What's wrong with high school boys?"

"Nothing, if acne and fart jokes are your thing. No, I much prefer the company of older gentlemen. I highly recommend it."

"Have you guys... you know... done it?"

Alex stopped abruptly, looked around for any interlopers, and brought him over to a deserted section of lockers. "Robert!"

"Sorry, I was just curious."

"It's alright, really, it's just... "

"Have you ever... done it?"

Alex looked around again to make sure no one was listening. "I have. Mind you, my affairs are always discreet. But I haven't with Bruce. I don't know, usually the guys I've been with are attracted to my assertiveness. But with men of a certain age... "

"Like Bruce?"

"Yes, like Bruce... I find it's better to be a bit more coquettish. Coy. So, no, we haven't done it yet."

"I've never. I mean, I've never even kissed... " The late bell echoed through the now deserted hall.

"Oh hurry up, Robert! I'm late for class!"


Robbie stayed in his desk after the lunch bell rang and waited for his classmates to leave the room.

"Is there something I can help you with, Robbie?" Charlie asked.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone, Mr. Parker?"

Charlie chuckled to himself. "Yes. Many someones."

"How'd it work out?"

"Well, I don't know. How do you mean?"

"The guy that I have a crush on... he doesn't even really notice me."

"I'm sure he does. Do you talk to him?"

"Yeah. I mean, I try. I just get so... nervous... you know? Around him? I just... "

"Is he gay?"

Robbie blushed. "Yeah."

"Well then go for it. Ask him out. Do something bold."


"Absolutely! You're a sweet kid and really nice. He'd be crazy not to... "

"But... you know... I just heard that... older boys like it if younger boys are coy or whatever."

"There are no hard and steadfast rules when it comes to love, Robbie," Charlie said, packing his bag and grabbing his coat. "If you like someone, you should go for it. When I was your age, there was this guy, Seabring... " Charlie turned and found himself face to face with Robbie. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Going for it." Robbie said, taking a deep breath, and kissing Charlie awkwardly and passionately.


Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


MR. Parker is gonna get fired or go to jail soon! lmao!!!

by AaronHolland1 on Thu. Jan 17, 2013

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