The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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13. The Guest

The Davids lay in bed with their Guest between them, covered in sweat and cum. "Man," said their Guest. "That was fucking hot." "Yeah," Other David, kissing his chest. "Do you guys do this a lot?" "Only a couple of times," David said, stroking their Guest's hair. "Were they hot as me?

13. The Guest
The Davids lay in bed with their Guest between them, covered in sweat and cum.

"Man," said their Guest. "That was fucking hot."

"Yeah," Other David, kissing his chest.

"Do you guys do this a lot?"

"Only a couple of times," David said, stroking their Guest's hair.

"Were they hot as me?" their Guest joked.

"Um... they were you."

"Oh." Their Guest lay their quietly for a moment. "I think it's cool, you know. What you guys got going."

"Oh yeah?" said Other David.

"Kinda wonder if my own relationship would've lasted if we tried opening it up, you know?"

"How long were you guys together?"

"Since college. I loved him, sure, but... I just got bored."

"That's how long we've been together."

"Oh. And you guys don't get... "

Other David looked at his better half. "I'd never really thought about it. You were just sort of... a happy accident."

"Well, I hope I'd be an accident you guys would do over again."

David laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "You're here now, aren't you?"

Their Guest chuckled and kissed David. "Alright, I should get cleaned up," he announced, leaping up off the bed and heading for the shower.

The Davids looked at each other a moment. Other David stroked his better half's cheek and leaned in for a kiss. David began to crack up.

"What?" Other David asked, full of concern.

"We've slept with this guy three times and we still don't know his name."


Just joining us? Catch up here:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 4 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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