The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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12. Long Ride

Eddy left her client meeting at the Palmer House late and catching a cab during rush hour was a huge pain in the ass. That's why she was pissed when the hot brunette jumped in front of her to grab the cab that SHE had hailed. Deciding not to give a fuck, she opened the door and got in with her. "

12. Long Ride
Eddy left her client meeting at the Palmer House late and catching a cab during rush hour was a huge pain in the ass. That's why she was pissed when the hot brunette jumped in front of her to grab the cab that SHE had hailed. Deciding not to give a fuck, she opened the door and got in with her.

"Excuse you!" said the hot brunette.

"No excuse you!" Eddy said.

"Where you off to?"

"Garcia's in Lincoln Square," Eddy said just as hot brunette said "Julius Meinl on Southport."

"Just get on Lake Shore," Eddy commanded. "We'll figure it out."

"What's your damage?" hot brunette asked, as the cab sped off.

"This was my cab. You pushed me out of the way."

"You weren't quick enough. It's rush hour."

"But it was MY fucking cab."

"It's MY fucking cab," bellowed the cab driver. "Now one of you tell me where we're going?"

Eddy glared at hot brunette, tried to stare her down. Hot brunette's face slowly expanded into a Cheshire smirk.

"Julius Meinl on Southport," Eddy relented. "THEN Garcia's." The cab continued on its course to Lake Shore as both women distracted themselves from each other on their smart phones. Eddy was late meeting the Davids and this detour was pissing her off. What pissed her off even more? The standstill parking lot that was Lake Shore Drive.

"You could've just gotten another cab," said hot brunette, after they'd failed to move in five minutes.

"It was mine, by right."

"Oh, this old song and dance again."

"It's the unspoken rule of cab hailing, bitch. You just... you didn't care. You... "

"I saw what I wanted and I took it. What bothers you more, that I got what I want or that I beat you to it?" she laughed mischievously as Eddy was rendered speechless. "Oh and the name's not bitch. It's Heather."

Eddy looked out the window. This was the first woman in her whole life that didn't give her exactly what she wanted. She didn't know whether she wanted to kill her or fuck her. In any event, as cars moved even slower as they reached the S curve, she knew it was going to be a long fucking ride.


Just joining us? Catch up now:

Volume 1 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 2 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five

Volume 3 -
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four, Week Five


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