The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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23. Conceding

"Omigod," Mason whined in his jammies. "Can we turn this shit off?" "Can you believe how many times he just said God in his concession speech?" asked Josh, cracking open a beer. "What happened to separation of church and state?" "I kinda hoped he'd win. That Paul Ryan is hot." Josh put the

23. Conceding
"Omigod," Mason whined in his jammies. "Can we turn this shit off?"

"Can you believe how many times he just said God in his concession speech?" asked Josh, cracking open a beer. "What happened to separation of church and state?"

"I kinda hoped he'd win. That Paul Ryan is hot."

Josh put the new commentary on mute. "You voted Republican because you thought a candidate was hot?"

"Of course not. I didn't vote at all."

"What the fuck?!"

"What's the point, babe? Obama was going to take Illinois anyway. Beside, I was busy today."

"Yeah," Josh scoffed, looking at the several shopping bags by the door. "Real busy, I'm sure."

Mason ripped the remote control out of Josh's hand.

"What are you doing? He's about to make his speech?"

"You've hogged the TV all night. I want to watch >Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition."

"Obama's about to make his speech!"

"Whatever! Isn't Obama like the lesser of two evils or whatever?"

"Ok, considering his stance on gay rights, his core values on education... "

"But what does that even matter? We're both done with school."

"I'm a FUCKING teacher!"

Mason rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me."

Josh got up. "That's it. I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Away. From here. Do you even know what's important to me? To the rest of the world? Do you even care? Can you see anything past your reflection in something shiny?"

"So we're breaking up? Because of this election?"

"We're... I don't know. I just... .don't want to be with you any more."

"So after all these years, all this time... ? I haven't changed, Josh. I'm exactly the boy you fell in love with."

"I know," Josh said, storming off. "That's the problem."


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For some odd reason, Volume 2 Chapter 1 has disappeared from the pulldown list. If you're still catching up, find it here.


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