The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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15. Be A Light

"Omigod, she's fucking amazing," Tyler said, as the effervescent red head on piano finished a song. "I told you," Zan said. She started a new song and Zan grabbed Tyler's hand and near-squealed with delight. "O-M-G it's her new single! I love this song! It's from her new EP, she's having a releas

15. Be A Light
"Omigod, she's fucking amazing," Tyler said, as the effervescent red head on piano finished a song.

"I told you," Zan said. She started a new song and Zan grabbed Tyler's hand and near-squealed with delight. "O-M-G it's her new single! I love this song! It's from her new EP, she's having a release party at the Double Door next Friday!"

Tyler looked at his hand in Zan's and smiled. "Would you like to go? That can be our second date."

"Oh," Zan stammered, letting go of his Tyler's hand. "I'd love to, it's just... I can't."

"Oh," Tyler said, not doing a good job masking his disappointment. "It's cool."

"Oh, it's not that... "


"It's just... the Double Door's a bar and... "


"Nothing. Bars just aren't my thing. I prefer a more intimate setting. Like this house concert."

"I get it."

"It's not that I wouldn't want to... "


"No. I mean, yes. I do. I'd love to go on a second date with you."

Tyler beamed. "Really?"

Zan smiled back and held his hand again. "Yeah. I like you Tyler. You're sweet. And uncomplicated. Not like the jerks I'm used to."

"I like you too, Zan." Tyler said, squeezing his hand as Jess Godwin finished her new song "Be A Light."

"One more," yelled someone in the crowd, with the rest of the crowd cheering in agreement.

"All right guys," she said. "Here's one from my first album." She started the coy and sexy chords of "Almost Funny." As the song continued, Tyler looked at Zan and smiled. And went in for the kiss.


Just joining us? Start from the very beginning, Volume 1 Chapter 1, by clicking here!

In other news, long-time BOYSTOWN supporter Jess Godwin, the misfit with soul, will be releasing a new EP! The release party is on November 2 at the Double Door! Visit her website for more info, including a free download of her new song "Be A Light," featured in today's chapter. Want more Jess? Check out her albums on iTunes!


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