The daily serial fictional based on Chicago's Boystown neighborhood: Boystown series by Danny Bernardo

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2. Intermission

"So those boots are gonna save the town?" asked Diego, as they lights came up at the end of the first act. "Well the people in the factory at least," said Bryan. They got up and walked to the bar. "Whatever, I wish the drag queens did more numbers," said Diego. "It's fun so far. Thanks for

2. Intermission
"So those boots are gonna save the town?" asked Diego, as they lights came up at the end of the first act.

"Well the people in the factory at least," said Bryan. They got up and walked to the bar.

"Whatever, I wish the drag queens did more numbers," said Diego.

"It's fun so far. Thanks for bringing me. I thought you had season tickets with... "

"Yeah, that's kind of complicated right now."

"Shit. You guys too?"

"What's going on with you and Chadwick?"

" That night, when we met Tristan's ghetto fabulous friends... "


"Well, there was an incident in the bathroom where... "

"Omigod. You or... ?"

"It was me."

"Me too." Diego said, ordering a glass of wine. "But it wasn't even... it was like barely anything. Just some drunken whatever on the dance floor."

"We're working it out. It's just... you know... "

"I'm staying at Tristan's. It's scandalizing me."

"Time apart can be good, you know?" Bryan said, sipping his glass of white. "Makes you appreciate when you're actually together. Chadwick and I take separate vacations."

"Does that work?"

Bryan finished his wine. "It's something."

The lights flashed off and on, signaling the start of the second act. As they walked back to their seats, Diego felt a strong hand grab his shoulder. He turned to be directly face to face with his boyfriend.

"Hi," said Diego.


Diego embraced him. "I'm really sorry."

"Me too." He sounded guilty, probably for the fight that prompted Diego to move out temporarily.

"Can I come home, Tommy?"

Tom pulled away. "What did you call me?"


"You never call me that."

"I... it just sorta came out."

"I... please don't call me that."

Diego kissed him, bewildered, but relieved to have worked things out. "I'm sorry."

Tom embraced him, wondering if he was doing the right thing.



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