It is tough being Mom. A mom's work is never done. Even holidays, while the rest of the family is relaxing in front of the plasma, Mom's are slaving away: wrapping gifts on Christmas, preparing turkeys on Thanksgiving, hiding eggs on Easter.
The second Sunday of May is the only true day of rest for Mom. It's also the one day of the year when gay sons and daughters are required to show their gratitude to the number one lady in their lives. Of course, as gay children, you should be showing your love and gratitude every day of the year. We are statistically better children than our straight siblings. But Mother's Day is the one day of the year to really go over the top with your love for mom. Jane Rave, mother of a gay son and author of Conversations and Cosmopolitans: How To Give Your Mother a Hangover, offers tips on how to make sure that Mom enjoys her special day.