Let's talk about taste for a moment, shall we? No, not the "flavor" kind. I'm speaking of style. I understand that "taste" is subjective and this is why I find it so fascinating. My friends all decorate their homes and fashion themselves with a unique style that fits their personalities. And what they like and don't like is never in question. Believe me, I've witnessed that firsthand. Recently, while attending a private party with them at a home of someone I barely know, I noticed how easily our group began to judge the host's possessions and style choices (behind his back, of course). Comments like, "Gawd, what was he thinking with that paint color?" and "Have you seen the bathroom yet?" to "That vase is f&%king fabulous!" was whispered between cocktail sips. (Funny, we say the same things when we shop.)
This got me thinking about some of my own favorite shopping haunts and why I like them. What about these places that makes me say "They've got great taste." and make me want to recommend them to anyone.
I live in Chicago's Edgewater community and this is where I like to shop. Unfortunately, other than the cloister of popular shops in the Andersonville business district, Edgewater is not yet known as a shopping Mecca. However, there are signs that this is changing. Mixed in with the auto repair shops, nail salons, and an impressive variety of international restaurants is a collection of small businesses that, in my opinion, rank high on the taste scale. Here are some must-sees when shopping in Edgewater: