June 3, 2010

Lonesome sailor torn between interests

BY Darling Darby ("Ask Darby")

Dear Princess Darby,

I have a friend I use to date and go sailing with that keeps asking to sail. Since then, I’m dating a person who isn’t interested in anything that has to do with water. I love the lakes and the out doors. Do you think I can take my old friends offers and go boating with him, or should I turn him down?

Lonesome Sailor

Dear Lonesome Sailor,

Unless you want to end up in the deep end without a partner, I suggest you tell your old friend to pull up anchor and sail away. If you don’t, the current person that you’re dating may tell you to walk the plank!

If you love the water so much, join a boating or sailing club, or get a part time job on a cruise or sightseeing boat. If you’re smart, and really have a passion for the lakes or the sea, share your interest with your partner. Or, maybe get a group together that consists of friends that have the same interests that you both have. You can split up and meet up again after the outing.

Don’t let your relationship sink because you both don’t share the same interests. Have fun, I’m sure there’s a happy medium.

Have a fun summer,

Princess Darby

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