Reeling: Chocolate Babies

Saturday, September 23, 2023, 9:00 PM  |  view details and directions

Reeling: Chocolate Babies
Showing in a brand-new HD restoration, CHOCOLATE BABIES is back and better than ever. This classic of New Queer Cinema is an audacious political satire steeped in 1990â??s New York Black queer culture, capturing the LGBTQIA+ community at its most vibrant. As the queer community deals with the onslaught of the AIDS epidemic and protests governmental inaction to it, they face a backlash of prejudice and hate from conservative New York government officials attempting to silence dissent. But a radical band of HIV-positive Black drag queens, trans and queer urban activists, and a gay Filipino-American fight back with a plan to kidnap a closeted politician. A controversial film on its release, CHOCOLATE BABIES hasnâ??t lost its bite as it highlights the absurdity of the broken conservative political system and the manifestation of Black Queer power, community, and love used to combat it. Sponsored

Getting there

5720 N Ridge Ave., Chicago, IL