Reeling 2021: Deal with the Real (Nonfiction Shorts)

Saturday, September 25, 2021, 3:15 PM  |  view details and directions

Reeling 2021: Deal with the Real (Nonfiction Shorts)

Reeling: The Chicago LGBTQ+ International Film Festival presents Deal with the Real (Nonfiction Shorts).

This program spotlights six unique works of nonfiction, ranging from traditional documentary to more experimental essays. From celebrations of queer identity to probing the effects of structural oppression, these shorts offer glimpses into the world we live in. In FOUR FRUITBITES we are introduced to four unique queer, trans and genderqueer voices. In BEYOND THE VOID Charles reflects on the videos he took of his partner, dying of AIDS in the 90s. A Chicago drag artist adapts to pandemic life in SILVER LINING. DANCING ON MY OWN presents a love letter to the queer Asian experience. In CAUSE OF DEATH, archival film footage, animation and spoken word poetry are used to meditate on the invisible violence against women. BUTTERFLIES IN BERLIN: DIARY OF A SOUL SPLIT IN TWO uses stunning animation techniques, to tell the story of the first transsexual to undergo male-to-female surgery in Nazi Germany.

Available to stream in the U.S. only. Sponsored

Getting there

2828 N Clark, Chicago, IL