Ending Sexual Violence - Jazz Benefit for Rape Victim Advocates

Sunday, July 29, 2018, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM  |  view details and directions

Ending Sexual Violence - Jazz Benefit for Rape Victim Advocates
Please join jazz artist Elaine Dame and Friends for a musical afternoon of jazz fellowship to benefit Chicago's Rape Victim Advocates. Featuring a line-up of incredible Chicago jazz musicians and continuous live music all afternoon, the benefit will also feature raffle prizes and phenomenal silent auction items. Chicago Theater Works has a full bar and there will be snacks provided. The venue is located just a few short blocks from the Belmont Red Line on the west side of the street. There is parking on Belmont as well. Rape Victim Advocates (RVA) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healing and empowerment of sexual assault survivors through non-judgmental crisis intervention counseling, individual and group trauma therapy, and medical and legal advocacy in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. RVA provides public education and institutional advocacy in order to improve the treatment of sexual assault survivors and to effect positive change in policies and public attitudes toward sexual assault. www.rapevictimadvocates.org Participating musicians include Chris Greene, Arlene Bardelle, Tammy McCann, Jeannie Tanner, Tom Hope, Bethany Pickens, Chris Madsen, Neal Alger, Bill Overton, Rose Colella, Hinda Hoffman, Damian Espinosa, Leslie Beukelman, Darren Scorza, Emma Dayhuff, Jeremy Kahn, Alyssa Allgood, Steve Gibons, Sarah Marie Young, Bob Rummage, Russ Philips, Michele Thomas, Art Davis, Eric Schneider, Chris Bernhardt, Christy Bennett, Stacy McMichael, Ethan Philion, Margaret Murphy-Webb, Chuck Webb, Frieda Lee, Chad McCollough, Sam Peters, Lynne Jordan, Chuck Webb, Ben Lewis, Jo Ann Daugherty, Ben Lewis, Typhanie Monique, Dana Hall, Yvonne Faddis-Stroud, Billy Denk, Paul Abella, Guy King, Andy Pratt, Ashley Summers-Baker, Fred Simon, and Chris Baker. Spread the word: http://gopride.com/Ce6o For raffle item and silent auction donations, please contact Elaine Dame at Elaine_Dame@hotmail.com

ChicagoPride.com Sponsored

Location: Chicago Theater Works
Chicago Theater Works
1113 W Belmont Ave
Chicago, IL 60657