Child Link’s 15th Annual Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Fest A Benefit for Foster Children By the end of every third Thursday of November, there are 65 million bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau wine that are sold and drunk. This is a celebration known globally as Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Fest, which commemorates the first wine of the season. This year, Child Link is hosting their annual Beaujolais Nouveau in downtown LaGrange on Thursday, November 16th from 5:30-8:30 PM. Teaming up with multiple restaurants, our guests will enjoy wine, music, hors d’oeuvres, raffles and a silent auction. Our guests are encouraged to visit all participating restaurants to sample different wines. This is an event you don’t want to miss! Child Link is a child welfare agency that services the children and youth that are in need of support. The programs Child Link provides include adoption, counseling, foster care, and a transitional living program. Help us continue to link our children to loving families by supporting this event. Visit the link above to purchase your tickets.