Forging From Fire- YEPP's New Production

Thursday, March 23, 2017, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM  |  view details and directions

Forging From Fire- YEPP's New Production
"Forging From Fire" tells of the various journeys that individual ensemble members have taken to build lasting relationships and how circumstances, behaviors and choices can create compromising situations. Through diligent deconstruction and self-discovery, each member worked through a heated process to understand ways to develop meaningful and healthy relationships afterwards to mold and refine a new space of love - for one's self and for others. Some of the life-topics they address include physical, verbal and sexual violence, DCFS and the foster home system, incarceration within the trans and gender non-conforming community, domestic violence, self-harm, mental health, and suicide among many others. For tickets go to:

Getting there

2936 N Southport Ave, Chicago, IL