The first DryHop Brewers/Intelligentsia Coffee collaboration debuts with the release of My Mirrors Are Black, a Cuban Coffee Stout brewed with Intelligentsia’s Yirgacheffe Ethiopia coffee, guava, blueberry, and candi sugar (5.5% ABV). Intelligentsia will also set up a coffee bar in DryHop’s brewhouse from 6pm-10pm. Guests will have the chance to try the Yirgacheffe Ethiopia coffee served three different ways: V60, Chemex, and Café Solo. My Mirrors Are Black, Intelligentsia’s Yirgacheffe Ethiopia coffee served as a standard pour, and four additional coffee beers will be available as a flight. Those beers include: - Allagash Brewing Company Coffee Curieux, a Belgian Tripel oak aged with coffee (9.5% ABV) - Founders Brewing Co. Breakfast Stout brewed with oats, chocolates, and Sumatra and Kona coffee (8.3% ABV) - Left Hand Brewing Company Week Sauce Coffee Porter (6.0% ABV) - Stone Brewing Co. Espresso Imperial Russian Stout (IRS) with notes of anise, black currants, coffee, and roastiness (10.6% ABV)