Vacillating between messiness and the tight corners of narrative, Tim Nickodemus’ paintings attempt to emulate the nuanced, often unconscious movements of performed exchange. An intensely sensitive and empathetic communicator, Tim absorbs relationships, compressing elements into the gloppy moments, deadpan flatness and sinuousness that characterize his work. Tim Nickodemus (b. 1980, Mt. Angel, OR) lives and works in Chicago. He received his BA from Portland State University in 2006 and his MFA at University of Illinois at Chicago in 2011. His work has recently been shown in Chicago at Alderman Exhibitions, Gallery 400 and New Capital Projects as well as Tracy Williams in New York. He teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago and the Museum of Contemporary Art. He rides a bicycle. Tim Nickodemus presents as part of the Lillstreet Emerging Artists Lecture Series. A project of 2012-2013 Painting and Drawing Artist-in-Residence Gwendolyn Zabicki, this series presents a sample of local filmmakers, sculptors, painters, and photographers each month. As philosopher Georg Hegel believed, art reflects the culture in which it is created. Aritsts serve as cultural barometers--the first to be aware of and to evaluate larger societal trends. Zabicki and Lillstreet are proud bring the forefront of Chicago's contemporary art scene to a local audience with this regular series.